Now that Facebook offers a secure connection to keep your data away from prying eyes when you are on a shared connection, such as the WiFi at your local favorite coffee stop, Twitter has one too. To turn it on, …[Continue]
Need to Know: Phishing
Phishing scams seem to be all around us and they happen all the time to unsuspecting and trustful individuals. A phishing scam will allow for your identity to be stolen and it can also lead to stealing of your credit …[Continue]
Just What is Phishing?
Have you been the victim of a phishing scam? Do you also have anti-virus software that will aid in preventing phishing from occurring? How does phishing start? You normally will see it in the form of an email or an …[Continue]
Secure Login For Facebook
If you ever use open Wi-Fi spots in coffee shops, hotels or airports, the easiest way to keep your account passwords safe is to use a secure (https) connection for your email and other favorite Internet hangouts, like Facebook. Although …[Continue]
Reduce Your Risk on Facebook
Microsoft researcher Danah Boyd explores some unusual ways to reduce risk on Facebook at her blog Apophenia. For example, some Facebook users deactivate their account whenever they log out. This doesn’t delete any friends or settings, and when you login …[Continue]
Invasion of Privacy
Internet privacy is a hot topic, but do you know exactly how much detail about your life is available online? At this site Attack Vector IT specialist Matt takes us step-by-step into gathering private data about a person, starting with …[Continue]
9 Ways Passwords Are Compromised
Although strong passwords that are impossible to guess are an important part of online security, they are not the only precaution you need to take to keep your online identity secure. Leo Notenboom of Ask Leo lists nine ways your …[Continue]
Beware of Free Public Wifi
Just in time for Halloween, this week’s tip exposes a zombie network you may have seen in airports and hotel lobbies across the country: Free Public Wifi. There is actually nothing free, public or even Wifi about this network. It …[Continue]