Social networking has become one of the most popular ways to find friends, family, and form new relationships with people all over the world. You can use social networks to write journal entries, post pictures for family and friends to …[Continue]
How the Megan Meier Suicide Affected Other MySpace Users
MySpace is one of many social networking web sites on the Internet today that over seventy million people use. Social networking websites such as MySpace and Facebook have made it so that people all over the world can find friends …[Continue]
Why Texas Held Out on the Safety Deal with Facebook
The second largest social networking web site has agreed to raise the bar on their safety measures in order to better protect its users. It has come to this agreement with forty nine of the states and the District of …[Continue]
What is Facebook Doing to Protect Children from Sexual Predators?
Facebook has become the second largest social networking web site in the world. Adults and children all over the world have access to finding friends and family they haven’t been in touch with for ages. And not only that, they …[Continue]
Facebook: The Facts For Parents
As a parent there are some facts that you ought to know about Facebook. These are just some of the facts for parents that you ought to know about Facebook: 1.Facebook is a social network that helps you to connect …[Continue]
Need To Know: Facebook And Your Child
If your children are going to be using Facebook, it is important to know what it is, and how it differs from other social utilities. It is also important to know how to keep your child safe when they are …[Continue]
Top Five Rules For Safe Online Chatting
Online chatting stops being fun when someone gets hurt. Online predators are becoming more skilled and learning new tricks that they are then using against people like you and I. Although it is not the majority of online chatters who …[Continue]
Good Sense, Caution and Guidelines For Online Chatting
The importance of keeping safety in mind while chatting is equally important for children and adults. As an adult, you cannot expect to be able to “be smarter” than a predator or have the perfect “intuition” to simply know when …[Continue]