Kids are on the Internet a lot. They use the Internet for school, for keeping in touch with friends all over the world, and for playing games. Because children use the Internet so often, it is very important for parents …[Continue]
dangers Tips
A Look at the Safety Deal Reached by Facebook
The Internet is used by millions of people all over the world. Recently it has come to the attention of a few of the mostly widely used networks that their safety measures are not up to par. More and more …[Continue]
Dangers of Internet Addictions
Internet addictions may not seem to be a huge problem, but even web surfing can be dangerous. Let’s look at some of the ways that Internet addictions can be dangerous. High schoolers love to instant message. It is one of …[Continue]
Checking Your Child’s MySpace Profile and Contacts
As a parent you have a right to be concerned about the things that your child may be subjected to through simply using the Internet. In just the last decade a whole new type of predator has emerged. Predators who …[Continue]