The second largest social networking web site has agreed to raise the bar on their safety measures in order to better protect its users. It has come to this agreement with forty nine of the states and the District of …[Continue]
What is Facebook Doing to Raise the Safety Bar?
Facebook is the second largest network in the world and security has been a big issue. Since users of Facebook range from children to adults, figuring out how to provide better security for its users has been an important and …[Continue]
What is Facebook Doing to Protect Children from Sexual Predators?
Facebook has become the second largest social networking web site in the world. Adults and children all over the world have access to finding friends and family they haven’t been in touch with for ages. And not only that, they …[Continue]
A Look at the Safety Deal Reached by Facebook
The Internet is used by millions of people all over the world. Recently it has come to the attention of a few of the mostly widely used networks that their safety measures are not up to par. More and more …[Continue]
How To Learn To Use Facebook Privacy Settings
Introduction Most people would agree that using privacy settings to protect your identity and other personal information is a good idea. Many people take privacy to the next level and make sure that the information that they make available online …[Continue]
How To Set The Privacy Settings On Facebook
Introduction Facebook is a website that offers users the ability to make and maintain social connections via posting to personal profiles and chatting online with contacts. Personal profiles can consist of anything that the user likes so long as those …[Continue]
How To Use Facebook Privacy Settings
Introduction Facebook has established a variety of different security and privacy settings that are designed to assist individual users in creating an online profile experience that they feel comfortable with. As with any website that sponsors profiles and the sharing …[Continue]
The Ins And Outs Of Using Facebook Privacy Settings
Facebook is an Internet site that has many similarities to the popular MySpace website. Facebook is a site that allows users to create their own profiles and chat with other individuals. The Facebook website was originally intended to be used …[Continue]