Why do children lie to get a Facebook page? The most common reason is because all of their friends have an account and they don’t want to be left out. Peer pressure is overwhelming and it often causes children to …[Continue]
Facebook, Your Employer, and Old Photos
Baby boomers, generation X, and the Millennials are all joining social networks like Facebook to reconnect with old friends, network, meet new people, and stay connected to their current friends. However, the generation gap has caused friction regarding what pictures …[Continue]
Protecting Your Privacy on Social Networks
Social networks have become one of the principle modes of communication for the millennial youth. However, at the same time, older generations are signing on in order to catch up with old friends and to meet new people. Some do …[Continue]
Facebook and Your Embarrassing Photos
Social networks like Facebook have become very popular over that last couple of years. These networks allow people to connect with old friends, network, and communicate with current friends. One great feature is that a person can share pictures and …[Continue]
Steps for Hiding Friends on MySpace
Social networking has become one of the most popular ways for teens, college students, and even parents to find old and new friends. And while most that use social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace are innocent and obey the …[Continue]