In the last decade teachers have been presented with a unique challenge: protecting children from the dangers of the Internet. Many teachers struggle with this challenge because the Internet was not something that they grew up knowing about. Likewise parents …[Continue]
Need to Know: Internet Safety in the Classroom
Internet safety is a concern that many parents have. Children are becoming victims of exploitation, and deceptive predators are gaining their trust. Internet safety is difficult enough to manage at home. But tackling this issue in our schools may be …[Continue]
Safeguard Your Students’ Internet Usage
With all of the wonderful things that the Internet has to offer, there is an equal amount of the ugly. With the Internet we have opportunities never before imagined, but at the same time predators and thieves also have a …[Continue]
How to Keep Students on Secure Sites
With the Internet being used more and more in the classroom and at home, an important issue has been raised regarding the safety of our children and students when they are online. Parents are looking to be given the peace …[Continue]
How to Educate Your Students About Internet Safety
The Internet is a wonderful resource for free information from government, local, international and educational sites. Additionally the Internet provides current students with low-cost access to information that you and I could never have imagined growing up. But, like most …[Continue]
Need to Know: Chat Room Safety
Chat rooms can be a fun place to talk to friends and family in a very relaxed atmosphere. The Internet provides us with all kinds of opportunities to communicate, find useful information, and get to know people better. Unfortunately, the …[Continue]
Protect Yourself From Viruses When Using Chat Rooms
Having a home computer can sometimes create a false sense of security for us who use chat rooms and other forms of communication on the Internet. We think that because it is in our house it must be secure from …[Continue]
Avoiding Predators in Chat Rooms
The best way to avoid predators in chat rooms is to be educated concerning the threats that they are to us. Internet predators seek to take advantage of the false sense of security that so many of us have when …[Continue]