Social networks have become one of the principle modes of communication for the millennial youth. However, at the same time, older generations are signing on in order to catch up with old friends and to meet new people. Some do …[Continue]
The Evolution of Cybercrime in Growing Children
Children are a lot smarter than we always give them credit for. This is especially true when it comes to technological issues. Few could argue that they know more about the Internet, computers or cell phones, than their children do. …[Continue]
High School Cybercrimes
As you may have guessed, cybercrimes are much more prevalent for older children. High school aged kids are more involved in Internet social networks and are less supervised by their parents, these two factors alone open up the possibility for …[Continue]
Cybercrimes in Middle School
Junior high school aged children are at a particularly sensitive point in life where puberty is beginning, emotions are running wild, physical changes are taking place, school curriculum is becoming more challenging and much more. On top of all the …[Continue]
Cybercrimes in Kindergarten
Children today are being faced with challenges that did not exist ten or fifteen years ago. Although few of us could imagine day-to-day life without the Internet, the World Wide Web has its share of disadvantages. When you think of …[Continue]
A Summary of Cybercrime Research Findings
Fifteen years ago the Internet, or the World Wide Web as some still call it, was just catching on. People were learning to use the Internet on their computers; computers that ten years previous only existed on a scale that …[Continue]
A Look at the Safety Deal Reached by Facebook
The Internet is used by millions of people all over the world. Recently it has come to the attention of a few of the mostly widely used networks that their safety measures are not up to par. More and more …[Continue]
Evaluating Web Page Information
The Internet is a vast marketplace full of information, both good and bad. How do you know if the web page information you are obtaining is valid? Here are a few tips to help you evaluate web pages: Start with …[Continue]