Spyware has become a dangerous part of the online world; a software that is downloaded onto your computer to track your habits and activities without your knowledge. So what’s the harm in that? What’s so dangerous about spyware? This article …[Continue]
monitor Tips
Spyware Blockers 101
Spyware is becoming worse and is finding its way onto computer operating systems without the knowledge of the user more regularly. And although you may have placed a spyware blocker on your computer a couple of months ago it may …[Continue]
Using Software to Supervise Your Child Online
Some people may argue that spying on children online is not a good way to promote a healthy parent and child relationship, especially when it comes to trust. While this may be somewhat true, most parents believe that they have …[Continue]
What is Facebook Doing to Protect Children from Sexual Predators?
Facebook has become the second largest social networking web site in the world. Adults and children all over the world have access to finding friends and family they haven’t been in touch with for ages. And not only that, they …[Continue]
A Look at the Safety Deal Reached by Facebook
The Internet is used by millions of people all over the world. Recently it has come to the attention of a few of the mostly widely used networks that their safety measures are not up to par. More and more …[Continue]
Use Your Computer: Computer Ergonomics
Most people spend a good part of the day on the computer. Whether it’s an hour or two here and then to surf the web or play games, or whether it’s a full eight hours on the computer at work, …[Continue]
Safety Concerns Associated With Internet Addictions
With the growth of the Internet and Internet related addictions you may know someone who has an Internet addiction or you may think that you have an Internet addiction yourself. There are safety concerns that can be associated with Internet …[Continue]
What Child Internet Safety Software Include:
There are many important things to consider when you are using the Internet to ensure your safety and the safety of your friends and family. One of the most important tools that a family with children can have is a …[Continue]