There are many important reasons for you to use caution when searching online. There are many threats that could jeopardize the safety of your personal information, your identity, your family’s important personal and business files and even your health and …[Continue]
How To Safely Perform Searches Online
Introduction The Internet opens up worlds of information and new ways to interact with the world. It is a vast source of information and knowledge, but there are also many threats and things to be aware of when searching online. …[Continue]
Web Search Safety
Introduction Many parents and families are concerned about what will be found on their home computer when family members are using the Internet. There are many wonderful resources and places to find useful and helpful information, but there are also …[Continue]
Top Five Rules For Safe Online Chatting
Online chatting stops being fun when someone gets hurt. Online predators are becoming more skilled and learning new tricks that they are then using against people like you and I. Although it is not the majority of online chatters who …[Continue]
Good Sense, Caution and Guidelines For Online Chatting
The importance of keeping safety in mind while chatting is equally important for children and adults. As an adult, you cannot expect to be able to “be smarter” than a predator or have the perfect “intuition” to simply know when …[Continue]
Four Safeguards To Employ While Chatting Online
Online chatting can be a great way to stay in touch with relatives who live far away or friends with busy lives. Chat rooms are also popular places to meet and talk to new people. But there comes a time …[Continue]
Predator-Proof Your Online Activities
It is safe to say that no one in their right mind is going to be trying to attract predators. Most of us put our online-selves in harm’s way unintentionally. But fortunately, there are rules that, if followed, can help …[Continue]
Three Steps To Protect From ID Theft
Introduction Identity theft is a serious and pervasive problem. The popularization of the Internet in the 1990s made the web one of the number one places that criminals go when trying to steal your identity. The bad news is that …[Continue]