MySpace is one of many social networking web sites on the Internet today that over seventy million people use. Social networking websites such as MySpace and Facebook have made it so that people all over the world can find friends …[Continue]
A Brief Look at the Effects of the Megan Meier MySpace Suicide
Many people have been weighing the pros and cons about social networking ever since the Megan Meier hoax on MySpace in 2006. MySpace has faced some serious scrutiny as to safety measures that need to be taken in order for …[Continue]
Why Texas Held Out on the Safety Deal with Facebook
The second largest social networking web site has agreed to raise the bar on their safety measures in order to better protect its users. It has come to this agreement with forty nine of the states and the District of …[Continue]
Industry Norms for Social Networking
Social network users that sign up and register for accounts in social networks do so with the understanding that they are posting information that other people may or may not access, depending on how well they understand the privacy policies …[Continue]
A Look at the Safety Deal Reached by Facebook
The Internet is used by millions of people all over the world. Recently it has come to the attention of a few of the mostly widely used networks that their safety measures are not up to par. More and more …[Continue]
Facebook 101 For Parents
Facebook is a network that allows you to connect with friends, share photos, videos, and information about yourself with people from the various areas of your life, such as school, work, religion, etc. Many people compare Facebook to MySpace, however, …[Continue]
Facebook: The Facts For Parents
As a parent there are some facts that you ought to know about Facebook. These are just some of the facts for parents that you ought to know about Facebook: 1.Facebook is a social network that helps you to connect …[Continue]
Safe Profiles On Facebook
As a parent it is important to know how profiles are created on Facebook, and what information is included in them. If your child is going to have a Facebook account, they will have a profile, and you should be …[Continue]