The blogosphere has been all a twitter lately about the rise in popularity in searches for “how to delete my Facebook account.” Here’s one such rant from ReadWriteWeb. If you also want to leave the iconic king of social networking, …[Continue]
Social Networks Tips
Is Foursquare the Next Social Network?
Social networking continues to grow in use and popularity, and the newest addition is the game of Foursquare. Foursquare is simple and easy to play. You can download Foursquare’s free iPhone, or Android application, or access their mobile site via …[Continue]
How Do I Start Playing Foursquare?
If you are hearing about the new social networking game-Foursquare and want to get started here is what you need to know. Foursquare is continuing to rise in popularity, and users report that it has the best and most fun …[Continue]
What Is A Facebook Profile?
Are you looking for a great way to hook up with your old classmates without paying for an expensive website to do so? One of the best ways to find old friends is to sign up for a Facebook account. …[Continue]
How to Create A Facebook Profile
Would you like to create an impressive Facebook profile? As you already know, Facebook is one of the hottest social networking sites out there so if you haven’t already joined, you should consider joining as soon as possible. Here are …[Continue]
Are You Buzzing?
Google recently announced Google Buzz, a social media platform that integrates social networking into Gmail and other Google products. To check it, login into your Gmail Account and look for Buzz in the left-hand column. Is this going to impact …[Continue]
How to Import Your Blog Into Facebook
Do you have a blog? Do you have a Facebook account? Do you often find yourself posting duplicate information in both places? This is fairly common. People find that they have different audiences for their blogs and their social networking …[Continue]
Importing Your Blog To Your Facebook Page: Simple How To’s
There are 101 ways to update people on the events in your life and post information online; some work better than others for various audiences. For example, your friends may like seeing your updates on your Facebook page, while your …[Continue]