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Valentine’s Day Bulletin Boards Made Simple

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Creating a bulletin board can be difficult. You want it to look nice, be educational, and include the students. There are many ways that students can get involved and many ways that you can balance the educational and looking nice parts. You also don’t want the project to take up hours and hours of your time. Let’s take a look at some easy to do Valentine’s Day bulletin board ideas.

First, you want to figure out how much time you want to spend on the project. You will have to prepare some things for it and you will have to take up some class time to do the project. You don’t want to spend too long on either part. Decide how long you want to spend and the quickest ways for you to get everything you need done to prepare the project for the students.

One of the most fun and most common displays is to cut out a bunch of hearts. Many schools will have a cut out of a heart that you can trace or have a punch in the shape of a heart. Either way, it might take you a while. If you have the punch, take about 30 minutes to cut out a bunch of hearts. It will be one of the easiest ways to get the project done. If you don’t have a punch, create or use a cut out shape of a heart as a guide. Trace a bunch of hearts. Cut them out just in squares and then let the children cut out the shapes themselves. You will be able to get the tracing done in a minimal amount of time.

On the cut out hearts, have the children draw or write things that they love, people they love, their pets, friends, and their own names. Staple the heart onto the bulletin board. It will be a wonderful place to see what is loved by your students. You can have the children do this over a few days and have them do several hearts. It will be a great way to teach them about love and being friends with everyone.

You can also have the children write poems. Teach them about the different types of poems and have them write their own. Let them write about whatever they love. Put the poems on the bulletin board. They can even draw a picture to go with the poem.

You will most likely need a background. Use red, white, and pink paper on the background. You can use patterned paper if you want. If you use patterned paper be sure to use simple paper on top so that the background doesn’t over power the look of the real design and the main part of the bulletin board. Most importantly have fun. Let your students learn about writing and how to do things on their own.