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Making Your Own Valentine’s Day Cards

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If you are feeling very ambitious, you may want to not only make your own Valentine’s Day box but also your own valentine’s notes. Nowadays most people pick up the pre-printed valentine’s at the store. But if you get excited about making your own Valentine’s Day card holder, why not make notes that reflect your interests, something more personal. For example, you may want to create a Valentine’s Day card box that is covered with panda bears. You can carry this theme over to your Valentine’s Day notes. You may even want to think of a way that you can incorporate your cards into your card box. Maybe you create a panda bear box that has a compartment for cards and your friends can pick up the card from you as they drop of their card to you. There are so many ways to be creative with how you give and receive Valentine’s Day gifts, all you need to do is try to think of something that you may not have tried before and have fun!

If the exchange of notes and treats on Valentine’s Day is not something that your child’s school does, you can also make and use this craft at a neighborhood party or a friend’s party that you throw for your children. You could even exchange notes within your own family. Whatever you do, these boxes are a fun way to hold the special notes that you get on Valentine’s Day. If your children are too young for school or you simply want a way to celebrate at home, there are dozens of other Valentine’s Day crafts that you can try your hand at.