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Bee Mine TP Roll Craft

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When Valentine’s Day rolls around there is love in the air for all ages. Even your kids will love to make Valentine’s crafts for their friends, special someone or even you. Valentine’s crafts are a great way to spend time together and create lasting family memories. Just be sure that when you choose a craft for kids you choose something that is within their skill level and attention ability. If the craft is to easy they will lose interest quickly if it is to complicated they will become frustrated and not want to continue. Here are some great ideas for Valentine’s crafts for kids-

· Bee Mine TP Roll Craft-This darling bee can be made simply with a toilet paper tube, a printer and a little imagination. If you do not have access to a printer you can simply cut out the pieces you need freehand.

What you will need:

An empty toilet paper tube
Lots of construction paper in various colors for your bee

Instructions for the project:

Cover the tube in construction paper as the base for your bee. Use whatever color you want (it doesn’t have to be yellow and black). Consider using pink and red to reflect the holiday. Cut out a circle large enough to cover one end. This will be the face of your bee. Glue the face on one open end of the tube. Cut out stripes, stinger, wings and antennas and glue on where appropriate. Cut out a large heart and glue it on upside down for the wings. Use the marker to draw on a face and you are done. You can also add additional hearts for decoration if you want to.

Alternative Decorating Ideas:

Use sparkles, sparkle glue, or felt to decorate or in place of some of the hearts.
You can use white paper and color or paint all of the pieces.