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Lime Float for Your Valentine

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You need a pint of raspberry sorbet, 20 limes, 1 can sweetened condensed milk, 1 ½ cup sugar, water. 1 cup frozen raspberries (optional)

Cut your limes into fourths, and put in a blender. Then add your can of sweetened condensed milk to the blender, your sugar, and then fill the blender with water. Blend for about 30 seconds. Limes should still be in good shape, not blended into small pieces, but sugar should be mixed in, and sweetened condensed milk. Using a strainer, pour the contents into a pitcher, with a strainer over top. Then fill your blender one more time with water, and pour over the top of the contents of the strainer into your pitcher. This will give you a limeade drink. Now fill a glass about ¾ full, add a scoop of raspberry sorbet, and top with a few frozen raspberries. This is a delightful treat.