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Easy Valentine’s Day Crafts For Teachers

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When you are a teacher you know that your students expect something from you for the holidays. You probably decorate a bulletin board, or your classroom, and then wear something festive on the actual day, or as close to it that school is in. The following are a few easy crafts that can help you kick your teach holiday celebration status up a notch or two:

Valentine pins: Ok, so wearing those big broaches may seem like something only old fuddy dutty teachers do, but for the holidays it is always fun to do this, especially if you teach one of the younger ages in elementary school. This craft is so fast and simple that should you decide not to wear your Valentine’s Day pin after all is said and done, you won’t have wasted too much time or energy.

You need a big safety pin, some heart shaped beads that are red, pink, and white. Now, all you do is string your beads onto your safety pin in an order that is fun, and then you wear it on your sweater. If you want to be a little more creative with this craft you can make your own beads out of salt dough, paint them, and let them dry.

Valentine treat container: Many teachers have a treat jar that they use to reward good behavior or good test scores. Well, you can make your treat jar more festive with this easy craft. What you need is a good sized canning jar, like a quart sized or larger. You need a canning lid, and a canning ring. You also need a small piece of batting, some glue, and some Valentine’s Day printed fabric.

You are going to cut your batting to fit the size of the ring. Then glue it to the canning lid. Glue your canning lid to the ring so that it is all one piece. Now take your Valentine’s Day printed fabric and cut it in a circle shape about two inches larger in diameter then the canning lid. Cover the lid and ring, glue to the edges of the canning ring. You should have enough overlap that you get a pleated ruffle look. Now take a ribbon and tie it around the outside part of the ring over the fabric for a more finished look.

Valentine Card holder: Because your students are going to be bringing you Valentine’s Day cards, it is a good idea to create something to hold them all. If you want something to use to display them later, this is a great craft. You need two paper plates, yarn in Valentine’s Day colors, and stuff to decorate your plate with. Cut your plates into the shape of hearts. Then use a hole puncher to create evenly spaced holes around the outside. Use your yarn to lace the two plates together creating a sort of envelop. Leave a space open near the top to hold the cards and to allow you to put them in. Finish the craft off by writing your name on it, and decorating with markers, stickers, cut outs, etc. This is even a great craft to do as a class so that everyone has something to hold their Valentine’s Day cards in.

There are plenty of other fast and easy crafts teachers can do for Valentine’s Day. These are just some fun and simple ones to make the day brighter.