Site icon Valentine's Day » Surfnetkids

I Asked

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I Asked…
“Pray dear, do you love me?”

They say there are more stars above
Than grains of sand undreamed of.

You said…
“More than all above I love thee!”

When feeling weak and vulnerable
In need from you a lift
Then words like these
Are a gracious gift!

When alone and in need of cheer
Asking if you really care
Then words like these
With me you share.

When missing you until I ache
So much longing for you
Then words like these
Confirm your love is true.

When you are there and I am here
Separate, yet close
Then words like these
Say it’s me you chose.

When we laugh and play together
Happy and content
Then words like these
Our love cement.

When we’re holding each other
With our thoughts and dreams
Then words like these
Our past redeems

When we’re together all alone
Talking and sharing
Then words like these
Reveal such caring.

When I need you most
In the hours wee
Then words like these
Increase my love for thee!

Peter Bester