Learn to protect yourself online with privacy settings and good online practices….[Continue]
Heads Up: Stop. Think. Click.
When you’re online, take a second to stop and think before you click….[Continue]
Share With Care
What you post online could have an impact on people in the real world. Follow the advice in this video and learn to share with care….[Continue]
Stand Up To Cyberbullying
You can help stop cyberbullies by standing up for yourself or someone else….[Continue]
Kids And Internet Safety
The internet offers a world of opportunity to socialize and communicate, but it comes with certain risks. The best way to protect your kids online; talk to them and start early….[Continue]
Phishing: In A Store
Phishing is a scam where Internet fraudsters send spam or pop-up messages to lure personal and financial information from unsuspecting victims. But it can happen anywhere as you will see in this video….[Continue]
Phishing: At The Office
Phishing is a scam where Internet fraudsters send spam or pop-up messages to lure personal and financial information from unsuspecting victims. But it can happen anywhere as you will see in this video….[Continue]