This is definitely one of the most commonly known stories from the bible and probably one of the most fun ones. Kids love this story. Here are some ideas for Noah’s Ark:
- Make some paper boats to symbolize the ark. The kids would probably make smaller ones than you, but you could actually make a really big boat to help them visualize how big the ark actually was. You can also make some animals puppets or cut outs to go into their boat. Young kids will love this kind of activity.
- Sun catcher. A rainbow was shown to symbolize that the flood was over so you could make sun catcher rainbows. They are similar to stain glass only smaller. After the paint is in the rainbow they hang them up and the sun shines through them.
- Naturally, these are only a few of the ideas you can use for paper bible crafts as there are several more stories and parables found in the bible. Just remember to find your lesson first, and then think of the fun ways you could help the children visualize or understand the story better.
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