A pan flute is a different kind of flute in that it has many different horns or tubes that are used to make distinct sounds rather than just one tube with holes drilled into it. To make a pan flute what you will need to do is cut 5 different descending lengths of bamboo or PVC. If the edges are not smooth once you have cut the pipe, be sure to sand the edges to avoid any cuts that may result. Line the pipes up in order with all of the pipes flush on one side and in descending order on the other side (so that the instrument looks like a flight of stairs). Hold the different pipes of the instrument together with string by weaving the string, yarn or robe around each pipe on both the front and the back. You can add glue in between the pipes for added security. Play the instrument by blowing not into the pipes but over the pipes (just like an empty bottle will make a noise if you blow over the opening at the top of it. Each length of pipe in your flute will create a different pitch when blown.
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