Recycling old things to make something new is not only environmentally responsible, but it also makes craft-making more affordable for you. Making pine cone birdfeeders is a great way to use something that is biodegradable. To make a pine cone bird feeder all that you need to do is spread peanut butter all around the pine cone and then dip the pine cone in bird seed. Make sure that you keep pressing the peanut butter pine cone in the bird seed until it is covered. Now simply hang the birdfeeder by a string and admire all the spring time animals that come to feed in your yard.
Making spring crafts is simple once you have the right ideas to act on. A few general tips that may help you to come up with more of your own ideas include finding new uses for old items, looking around your house to see if there are things that you can use in your crafts (to avoid having to spend a lot of money), and finding ways to incorporate the theme of spring.
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