Making paper plate snowman is a fun craft that even young kids can be a part of. Best of all paper plates are affordable and of course easy to find making these crafts a great choice for party or classroom activities. These craft ideas do not require extensive crafting skills or experience. Keep in mind that while there are suggestions here on how to make paper plate snowmen do not be afraid to stretch your creativity and decorate your snowman to reflect your holiday or winter spirit. Here are some great ideas for paper plate snowman crafts-
Paper Plate Snowman-
You can make a cute snowman decoration using two paper plates. This makes a nice decoration to put on a door or hang in a window
What you will need:
- White paper plates
- Construction paper (black, red) or wrapping paper
- An orange pipe cleaner (for the nose)
- A short length of yearn or ribbon
- Hole punch
- Marker or crayons
- Scissors
- Glue
- Optional: googly eyes, large buttons
Instructions for the project:
On one of the paper plates, cut off the outer rim. Punch a hole near the rim that goes through on both plates. Tie the two plates tightly together, using the yarn (or ribbon). Using black construction paper, draw and then cut out a top hat and two boots. On colored construction paper (or gift wrap paper), draw and then cut out two mittens. Have the child glue the hat, boots and mittens on the snowman. You can now either glue on googly eyes or draw eyes. Draw a mouth on your snowman. For the nose, you can cut a short length from an orange pipe cleaner. Stick the pipe cleaner through the plate to secure it (if the plate is too tough, you can make a tiny hole with the tip of the scissors). For the buttons, cut out shapes from construction paper, use round stickers, glue on real buttons, or simply draw them.
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