Whether you are in the midst of fall, awaiting the season or simply just learning about the four seasons, easy to create printable file folder games for fall are a fun, festive learning tool. They are simple enough to make you can create them on your computer at home and then print them off and glue them inside of a file folder.
To create printable file folder games for fall you will need file folders, scissors, glue, a computer, some kind of clip art on your computer and access to a color printer and color card stock. If you don’t have clip art you can still do this project. You will want to use card stock so your game and game pieces are more stable and less likely to crinkle after use. You can get card stock and file folders at an office supply store. You can card stock at a craft store as well.
This fall file folder game is made with printed trees and printed leaves. It will be a learning exercise for remembering the odd and even numbers. Most clip art programs will have a picture of a tree. A tree without leaves is ideal. If you do not have clip art you can use a program on your computer that will let you draw. Drawing a tree without leaves is not complicated. It does not have to be perfect. No matter how it is drawn it will look acceptable. Your tree will need to be large enough to fit the size of eight and a half by eleven sheet of card stock. Make sure you use this size of card stock so it will fit nicely into your file folder. Once you have your tree chosen you will need to type “Odds” on the top of the page then print it out.. Once you have printed this page you will delete the word “Odds” and type “Evens” onto the bottom of the page. Then print this out. Next, glue the sheets of card stock with the printed trees onto the inside walls of your file folder; one on each side.
Next, find a leaf on your clip art. If you do not have clip art there is a program on your computer that will let you draw a leaf. Drawing leaves are very simple; just use a picture or a real leaf as your guide. It does not have to be perfect. These leaves, when printed, will need to be printed on orange, yellow and red card stock. This is to represent the changing fall leaves. Once you have your leaves on your computer, you will want to lay them out so there are about six to eight leaves per page. Number the leaves from one to twenty then print your leaves. Print a page of six leaves onto an orange piece of card stock, six onto a yellow piece of card stock, and 8 onto a red piece of card stock, for example. Once your leaves are printed you will want to cut them out.
The final step is the cover of your fall file folder game. On your computer type a title defining it is a fall game used to teach or learn the odd and even numbers. Place one or two pictures of clip art leaves onto this page. Print it out and glue it onto the front cover of your file folder.
The object of this game is to put the odd numbered leaves on the tree labeled “Odds” and the even number leaves on the ground of the tree labeled “Evens” showing the distinction between odds and evens.
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