If you are looking for a fairy craft that is more challenging for the older elementary school aged children, you can make a garden for the fairies. This craft teaches kids about horticulture and about the different ways that different people around the world live. To make your fairy garden dwelling you must first collect various containers such as woven baskets, large shallow bowls or deep dish clay saucers (like a birdbath), discarded bureau drawers, large food storage containers, etc. You will need a container with both a bottom and a lid of some sort for each child. Next, to the bottom container add potting soil and a selection of small plants. These plants are meant to be the types of plants one typically envisions as being in a fairy world. Good examples of ideal plants include dwarf zinnias, marigolds, violets, ivy, baby’s tears, low growing herbs, and different types of mosses. Once you have helped the children to fill their miniature gardens with plant seeds, let them choose items to decorate their fairy garden. Think small, and you can really make a garden that is not only functional but fun and beautiful as well. For example, turn a colorful plant pot on its side and submerge it halfway in the soil to serve as a proper fairy dwelling. Add dollhouse sized furniture to set in the garden, popsicle sticks to construct a fairy fence, or small flat rocks to make a wonderful stepping stone path.
I’m 10 years old and I love fairys. This is the most exiting craft I have ever seen!!!!