Moms are notorious for being hard workers. Moms rarely get some time to kick their feet up and relax. Treat your mom to a Christmas craft that will allow her to take a few minutes to rejuvenate. A bean bag heating pad is an excellent gift to give your mom something to soothe her aching muscles. Bean bag heating pads are easy to make too. All you do is cut out two identical pieces of fabric. You can cut out the material to make a simple rectangular shape or a “C” shape for a neck pad. Sew the two pieces of fabric together with the outside of each of the sides of the fabric touching each other. Sew along the outside edge of the pad leaving a small opening through which you will pour your beans. Turn the pad right side out. Pour beans or rice into the pad through the opening so that the pad is about half to 2/3 of the way full. Do not fill the pad too full. Sew up the remaining small opening. All mom will have to do is put the pad in the microwave for about a minute. When it is done heating up, mom will be able to enjoy the warmth of the bean bag heating bag that you made for her.
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