6 Tbls. Salt
6 Tbls. Liquid Bluing
6 Tbls. Water
1 Tbl. Ammonia
Combine salt, bluing, water and ammonia. Pour over small pieces of rock or coal in a shallow GLASS or CHINA bowl. Drip food coloring on top if desire. Crystals will begin to grow soon. Add water occasionally to keep crystals growing. You’ll probably want to place dish on tray or wooden board as crystals grow over the sides of the bowl.
From Anita, a teacher from Independence, IA
katie davis says
that is a wonderful recipe it works very well you might want to try posting it on a more used websight such a disney.com or something that kids will be more apt to seing. That would be a great craft to do with grandparents for a Christmas craft. You had a great idea keep up the craft ideas and use your students as the guinea pigs. Have fun doing it.
Thanks for the tip,
Katie Davis
K. Shelden says
I have made this garden with my children at home and in a classroom with Special Students.Every time, it has been a success. I am so glad that someone else knows about this garden. The ‘recipe’ isn’t in circulation anymore in magazines and craft ideas for children. Perhaps because of the use of chemicals.
sharon cole says
hi i was wondering how the crystals grow? what is the chemical reaction? are they ammonia or salt? my daughter and i are working on a school project.
Lynda L. Dreas says
I was glad to find this. I was telling one of the girls at my office about it for her grandson. I did this with my kids, brownies, girl scouts, grandkids and great grandkids. It’s nice to see it is still available. Thanks. L. Dreas
jamie says
I am so glad to have found this recipe for this experiment. We did this in school in a tin pie pan (20 years ago!) and called it a Cole Garden. I have told my kids (ages 13 & 18) about it. None of their science teachers had ever heard of it! (too young!) So, we will do this together very soon. Thank you!!