2 cups salt
1 cup cornstarch
Mix the salt and 2/3 cup water in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat for 4 to 5 minutes, stirring until the salt is dissolved. Remove from heat. In a separate bowl, slowly add 1/2 cup water to the cornstarch. Stir until smooth, then add to the salt mixture. Return to low heat and cook until smooth, stirring frequently. Store in a sealed plastic bag.
Place the clay on a tray or paper plate and have children work outdoors or in a sunny area indoors. Give children a lump of clay to model. Children may decorate their sun sculptures with small stones, leaves etc..
Place the finished items in the sun to dry. Challenge children to predict how long it will take for the sculptures to dry. When this clay hardens in the sun, it won’t crumble.
From Anita, a parent from Independence, IA
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