When you make anything, you always want to make sure that you are being safe. When you make cards there are still things that you can hurt yourself on so be careful. Here are some tips to make sure that you are safe.
When you are using scissors or a cutter, make sure that you always close them when you are done. Don’t just close them when you are done making all the cards but close them when you are done using it after each and every cut you make. It will protect you from forgetting about it and will also help protect any children that you may have around you while making them.
If you are using lots of different types and colors of paper, make sure that you are keeping them organized. Often when you are using paper and it gets everywhere, it can cause paper cuts really easily. You don’t usually see all the pieces and if you are digging for papers then you might hurt yourself.
Also when you are using the paper and folding it make sure you aren’t doing it too quick. Make sure that you aren’t too close to the edges either. You don’t want to give yourself a paper cut that way either.
If you are using a die cut machine, make sure that your hands are away from any printing or open part of the machine while it is in use.
If you are using the paper hole punchers, make sure that you are also keeping your fingers away from where the two ends meet. Your skin can get caught in there and it can really hurt you.
If you have small children, there are a whole bunch of other things you have to be worried about. Like anyone with children knows, toddlers grab everything and anything. Make sure that if you are working at a table that is down nearer to the floor that you are keeping everything away from them. They like putting things in their mouth and little pieces of paper are very interesting to little children.
Make sure that no tools like scissors or stamps are accessible to them either. Sharp things harm anyone, but toddlers don’t always know when to stop playing with them or how to use them. Also, stamps if they still have ink on them can get into a child’s mouth. Make sure that all ink is away from their mouth. It could be harmful if swallowed.
If you have any small items, keep them away from toddlers too. They love putting things in their mouth and don’t know when to stop. Using a higher table or having a separate area blocked off for you or them can help save to tons of trouble. Let them have an area to play in while you make the cards.
Make sure that when everything is stored and put away, your supplies aren’t easy for little toddlers to access. They will see you put the paper and supplies away and will know where to go when you have left the room. Make sure it is out of their reach or put in a drawer they have a hard time opening. Put a safety latch on it if you have to. Use these safety tips when making your own cards so everything goes smoothly and no one gets hurt.
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