Name plaques are a great way to get a teen’s name displayed in an attractive and decorative way. Name plaques can be done by oneself, or purchased from a company that specializes in name plaques. Name plaques may include last names, first names, special groups the teen is interested in, sports teams, or anything else the teen is involved in.
When making a name plaque there are a few ways that it can be accomplished. First try going to a craft store and getting stickers made for the desired name. Then either buy or make a board to paint and then put the stickers on the board.
The board may need to be purchased first so that the size of the stickers can be the right size for the board. Paint the board a complimentary color for the room it is going to go in. When having the stickers made, it’s possible to choose from many different fonts and colors. Make it a fun name plaque that will draw the attention it needs.
Many times the stickers that are made in the craft store can be put one on top of the other. This can be especially fun and useful when making a name plaque that has a child’s name on it and the team they belong to with it. Put the team or dance club in large dark letters in the back. Then change the font and color and put the child’s name over the team or club. The name plaque will be striking to all who see it.
Another way to make name plaques is to make it a shadow box. This can become more than just a name plaque. To make a shadow box, start by going to a craft store and purchasing an unfinished shadow box. Decorate the outside to personal tastes and then work on the inside. The inside of a name plaque in shadow box style can be accomplished a few different ways.
One way to make the shadow box name plaque is to put in pictures of the subject whose name the plaque is for, then make the name large, so that it takes up most of the box and can clearly be seen. Shadow boxes are usually glass and are a fun way to show the name and subject inside. It gives a 3-D dimension look that can be complimentary to most any room decor.
One more way to make a name plaque is to get a good and nice piece of wood, metal or some other material and use decoupage. Decoupage is glue that is used to glue down mostly flat objects with out something like a frame covering them.
Make the name out of fabric, paper, pictures or anything else that is flat in nature. Then use the decoupage to adhere the name to the plaque. The fun part here is that anything can be used to make the name and stick it to the plaque. Imagination is the limit. The plaque can even be made with a background to the name on the plaque.
If purchasing a name plaque is preferred, there are many websites and companies that will take the name given and then put relevant information about that name on the plaque to be hung on the wall. They are typically somewhat personalized. Customers can choose from a limited choice of backgrounds and themes to go with the name plaque. The price of purchased name plaques start at $10.00 and go up into the hundreds.
Whatever the name that will be put on a name plaque, making it can be a fun way to learn about the name and the person the name plaque is for. There are a few ways to make a name plaque. Which one is used will depend on the preference of the person whose name plaque it will be and the room it will go into. There is also the option to buy a name plaque from the many Internet companies that sell name plaques.
I am wanting to make some name plaques for my kids bedrooms plus for some friends with their last names on them.