Gourds are a vegetable that is in the same family as the squash or pumpkin. The skin or shell of the gourd is often times used in different types of craft recipes. When your craft recipe calls for gourds and the painting of that gourd, there are some good tips you can use.
Tip #1
Start by choosing the right gourd for the project at hand. You will want to look for the smooth, dried bottleneck of a gourd in order to create a good base for your crafting plan. This should be about six inches tall if the recipe does not call for something else. Those six inches however does not include the stem.
Tip #2
Now it is time to prepare the gourd for painting. The process is a little slow at first, however well worth the result. You will want to soak the gourd in warm water for about four hours. This will work well to soften the skin so that you can remove the access skin from the shell. You will want to drape a dishtowel over the soaking gourd. This is due to the gourds floating reaction.
Tip #3
Cleaning the gourds old skin off will be next and very important. When you paint you will not want this stuff getting mixed in the paint. Use your steel wool, to gently scrub the skin away. Then rinse the gourd off thoroughly. Then let the gourd dry overnight or at least until it is completely dry.
Tip #4
The next steps will depend on the recipe for colors, paint type and where you will be doing the craft. Either way, if you do not want a mess from your paint, it is a good idea to lay out newspaper. If you are going to be using spray paint, you should be in a well-vented area.
Choose the paint type you will be using and start with the base coat. This is usually a spray paint of some kind. If the recipe calls for more than one coat, try to get a smooth topcoat, and then after that coat dries, try the next coat. The thing with paint and spray paint is that it is better to apply small smooth amounts rather than gobs. This is because you will get drips and runs and it will not look as good.
Tip #5
After the paint is dry, you can go ahead with any other drawn or painted designs you want to have on the gourd. This can be face, shapes; just about anything you want to make the craft idea you are working on.
Tip #6
Now finish off the paint job with the semi-gloss or matte spray. This will help to create a beautiful shine and also keep the colors on the gourd safe and bright. This is considered a protective measure. Some people do not feel it is necessary and may not include it in their recipe. However, if you want your craft to last, do not skip this step.
This is the basic how-to in order to paint your gourd for the craft ideas you have. The things you will need are listed bellow. It is easy, safe and fun. The main thing is keeping the hurry aspect out. Some crafts take time. The painting of a gourd is one of those crafts.
Spray paint
Steel wool
Bowl for soaking
There could be other items you will find necessary for your recipe. You can combine the two lists to get the right supplies needed.
During a recent project for my youngest daughter which involved decorating pumpkins, we spray painted 4 pumpkins of various sizes. On the one pumpkin which was painted white, first coat with a primer and second with an enamel, after about 5-6 days the pumpkins shell became very soft and eventually split open. The insides were soft like they had been cooked. What caused this?